« Á visage découvert – Le portrait “peint“ des origines à nos jours », in independent edition, (266p, format 23 x 15cm - 2023). Extract from the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (H.D.R.) defended at Bordeaux-Montaigne in April 2018.
Synthesis on the History of the Painted Portrait (and more generally in 2D) and expanded census of contemporary portrait painters.
Work without illustration for the use of amateurs of the genre or practitioners wishing to complete their knowledge.
RAURICH Gérard, CORRANT Françoise, Encadrements d'artistes, Paris, editions Fleurus, 1998, 121 pages
MILICEVIC Ksenia, 60 artistes du mouvement Art Résilience, Ed. Amazon, 2024, p. 60-63 avec petit manifeste p. 249.
Revue Art4any - n°18 - Avril 2024 - Article avec reproductions pp 22 - 23.
The "viewer" of flesh, Review of C.E.R.A.P. (Center for Studies and Research in Visual Arts at the University of Paris1), under the direction of Richard Cinte, N ° 1, 2001.
The myth of Pygmalion in Contemporary art at the risk of cloning, under the direction of Richard Conte, Publications of the Sorbonne, Collection Art and contemporary world, 2003.