Born October 3, 1960
64 230 Lescar
Pyrénées Atlantiques
Short Biography
I started my professional career in the world of architecture. Occasionally assigned to set design and artistic presentations, I also staged my first exhibitions, and quickly undertook distance learning at university to reorientate myself in the purely artistic field. I won various competitive exams from the French Ministry of Education and continued my higher education studies until I obtained the highest diplomas.
In the absence of fast-track jobs in higher education, I opted to discover the world. My exhibitions followed the course of my tropical peregrinations during two overseas stays in the Indian Ocean.
My last return to mainland France was accompanied by a break to set up my definitive studio, which was quickly followed by the global health downturn. With the momentum now restored, I'm launching my new career as a visual artist by actively promoting my work internationally.


  • 2018 Qualification to lead research, University of Bordeaux - Montaigne.
  • 2002 PhD in Arts and Sciences of Art, University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne.
  • 1993 D.E.A. Communication, Art and Spectacles, University of Bordeaux III.
  • 1984 D.S.B.E.A. (Diploma Building Section of the Schools of Arts) - Formerly School of Fine Arts in Pau.